Athens, Greece. Founded: 1400 BC, Ancient City!


Athens it the capital city of Greece and it is also the largest city. Its 3,400 year history is a fascinating one and much of the culture and customs of the ancient Athenians found there way into many other cultures due to its dominance in the region as a vast city-state. The multitude of archeological sites make this the perfect city for visit for anyone with a passion for European history and culture.


Morning Motivation, Positive Day, Positive Outlook


I started the category Morning Motivation, for everyone that wakes up, feels tired, and is unmotivated, to inspire them and motivate, for my hopes that someone can find their way here to my page, and see something inspiring, and get them into the right mind set for the day to have the motivation to accomplish there goals, for betterment and for greatness. I always found that reading something positive, an inspiring quote, a motivational saying, puts me back into a motivated state in the morning reaffirms my goals, my dreams, and gives me a energy to go out and live a rewarding day everyday!

Believe In Your Self, Your Abilities, You Can do Anything


I know this to be true, when times were hard, and I had no idea what was going to happen, and if things were only going to get worse. I kept pushing forward, I kept putting in the actions, and work,with no certainty of the outcome, but I had goals, and a vision, and a dream, and after pushing forward, and believing that anything you put your mind to, you can do, I reached my goal. More importantly I found something within myself a determination, a force, a power, that was inside of me, that is inside each and everyone of us. All you have to do is Believe                          -Steven Inspire