3 Powerful Motivating Quotes


1. “What I do is based on powers we all have inside us; the ability to endure; the ability to love, to carry on, to make the best of what we have – and you don’t have to be a ‘Superman’ to do it.”                                                                                                               ~ Christopher Reeve (1952 – 2004) American actor, film director, producer and screenwriter

2. “Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!”                                                                                                                ~ Anthony Robbins, NLP Master & International Motivational Speaker

3. “Buried deep within each of us is a spark of greatness, a spark than can be fanned into flames of passion and achievement. That spark is not outside of you it is born deep within you.”                          ~ James A. Ray,

motivational speaker and author.

Creativity, original ideas that have value


Being creative is not only good for you and who you are, being creative also helps others and the world around us. Being creative is defined as the process of having original ideas that have value. Being truly creative to your own uniqueness,and affinity, makes you happier as a person expressing your true inner self, and ideas. Creativity that produces value also benefits the world and humanity, from creating things that help others around the world, to creating things that can make someone smile or laugh. Be creative, Be unique, Be inspired!

3 Ways To Inspire Others

1. Lead By Example, We may not realize it, but everyday someone is watching us, gauging us, or even looking up to us! With Kids being around us, even our friend’s in social groups, or managers and co-workers at work, you can always inspire through your actions, and your passion. People see your motivation and determination, the way you set goals, and accomplish them, how you carry yourself, and how good you treat others!

2. Share Big Ideas, A friend called me to tell me how I helped him, motivated and inspired him, that really touched my heart so much, and I realized that these moments are what’s meaningful in life. When me and my friend would get together, I would share my ideas on life, bettering the world, how we should treat each other as humans, I always gave outlooks, ideas on different perspectives, talked about meaningful and positive things, and pushing yourself, to be the best ”you”, you can be!

3. Pay It Forward, Helping others is one of the most contagious things you can do. Your giving someone, something positive, that they can go, and do for someone else! If you help someone it’s inspiring to others and the recipient to help someone else. no act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted!

Learn A New Word Every Day


alacrity       a-LACK-ra-tee      cheerful willingness and promptness
anathema       a-NATH-a-ma      a thing or person cursed, banned, or reviled
anodyne        AN-a-dine      not likely to cause offence or disagreement and somewhat dull//anything that sooths or comforts
aphorism       AFF-oar-ism      a short, witty saying or concise principle
apostate       ah-POSS-tate       (also:  apostasy)      person who has left the fold or deserted the faith.
arrogate       ARROW-gate      to make an unreasonable claim
atavistic      at-a-VIS-tic      reverting to a primitive type
avuncular      a-VUNC-you-lar      “like an uncle”; benevolent

Morning Motivation, Positive Day, Positive Outlook


I started the category Morning Motivation, for everyone that wakes up, feels tired, and is unmotivated, to inspire them and motivate, for my hopes that someone can find their way here to my page, and see something inspiring, and get them into the right mind set for the day to have the motivation to accomplish there goals, for betterment and for greatness. I always found that reading something positive, an inspiring quote, a motivational saying, puts me back into a motivated state in the morning reaffirms my goals, my dreams, and gives me a energy to go out and live a rewarding day everyday!

Believe In Your Self, Your Abilities, You Can do Anything


I know this to be true, when times were hard, and I had no idea what was going to happen, and if things were only going to get worse. I kept pushing forward, I kept putting in the actions, and work,with no certainty of the outcome, but I had goals, and a vision, and a dream, and after pushing forward, and believing that anything you put your mind to, you can do, I reached my goal. More importantly I found something within myself a determination, a force, a power, that was inside of me, that is inside each and everyone of us. All you have to do is Believe                          -Steven Inspire